Beer is a world-famous drink and widely consumed beverage worldwide.

This is water, cereals, yeast and hops.

Pour réussir sa bière artisanale, il est important de bien choisir ses ingrédients comme le houblon afin d’obtenir un goût satisfaisant.

What you need to know about hops


Hops or Humuluslupulus is a climbing plant of the cannabinaceae family. It is the main ingredient that allows the mixture to be called a "beer", otherwise it would be a cervoise (barley beer). For the manufacture of beer, the brewers use the flower of the female plant which contains a golden yellow powder.

Hildegarde de Bingen first used hops in beer in the 12th century. She was the first to discover the aseptic and conservative properties of this plant. In addition, it could protect beer against the proliferation of bacteria

The hops have alphas (AA) acids that give it a bitter taste, which contrasted with the sweet drinks by the malt at that time. Then, thanks to its oils, the beer is endowed with an aroma or a perfume.

Around the world, there are more than 100 varieties of hops and each of these plants has a specific fragrance. Used as a beer varietay of beer, hops are often chosen according to their degree of bitterness, as well as their aromatic profile.


Using  of hops as a beer variety


The hops are often incorporated into the mixture of malt and boiling water. Depending on the result you want to achieve, it is possible to change this way of doing things. To get a more bitter beer, it is poured at the beginning of the boiling process. This step takes about 60 to 90 minutes.

To get the maximum aroma in your beer, it is advisable to pour it into the beer within twenty minutes before the end of the boiling period. In this way, essential oils do not evaporate quickly. Some breweries add hops at the end of the boil to make the flavours more present.

To avoid bitterness, there is the technique of raw hopping which consists of pouring the hops only when the fermentation is finished. Fruit beers such as Simcoe are then obtained.

These different methods are sometimes combined to get a beer that is both bitter and flavored.


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